Ivy Sheward’s 3-2-1-Blog! Chapter 4
1st thing I learned- I learned about reciprocal influence. These are personal, social/environmental and behavioural (see below). I guess I didn’t understand how much each impacts the other. It does make sense that something like feedback could affect your motivation/learning which could impact your future goals.
2nd thing I learned- Something I learned was how to teach new behaviours. Like the textbook said, you can teach dance, sports and craft by doing and modelling but it hadn’t occurred to me that as a teacher, you can model behaviours to students. The example I liked was the high school teacher who is concerned about girls with stereotyped ideas about careers invites females working non-traditional jobs into the classroom.
3rd thing I learned- I learned about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic is motivation from activities that the activity is your reward and extrinsic is motivation create by separate things like punishments and rewards. I know that I’m much more driven by extrinsic motivation.
1st connection I made- A connection I made was to the power of reciprocal casualty in classrooms. The scenario that the textbook gave actually happened in one of my high school classes. By the time the teacher’s first impression had been made, the student gave up on trying and actually didn’t graduate with us.
2nd connection I made- A connection I made was through emotional self-regulation. I found that in high school and especially now, because I’m such a stressful person I need to focus on self-awareness and self-management especially. I think the other threes categories are equally important for different people in different parts of life/ locations and jobs.
1 question I still have- On page 407 the textbook says if students fall short of their goals, they keep going. What do you do about a student that gives up as soon as they realize they won’t meet their goal or the fall short of meeting it? Is there a friendly way that I, as a teacher, can help them to want to finish meeting their goals?